Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Transit Hub Considered For New Arena

From the September 1st Baltimore Sun, traffic columnist Michael Dresser reports, "... a group of local transit advocates..." have proposed a "Central Maryland Bus Station below the arena itself". This idea makes sense in a lot of ways: light rail, bus lines, and the subway are all close by. A safe 24-hour transit hub is also a great idea. Baltimore isn't a 24-hour city, but this would do wonders for the safety and security of shift workers, as mentioned in the article.

Dresser admits the need to build "underground passageways" to link the arena with the subway line. New York City's Madison Square Garden and DC's Verizon Center take advantage of numerous subway lines. Newark's new Prudential Center was built a block and half (PDF map) from the rail station, however. Will Baltimore take the bold step and integrate the subway into the new arena or will it cheap out and make you walk a block from the existing Charles Center stop?

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