Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Field of Schemes" Take On Recent Arena News

Neil deMause over at Field of Schemes (the pre-eminent arena and stadium website) has a great update on recent developments for Baltimore's plan to "build a new arena, a hotel on top of it, and an expanded Baltimore Convention Center".

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Holy Crap!

Finally something to talk about: Willard Hackerman offers to build arena! Also, nice "Before and After" interactive photo on today's Baltimore Sun homepage.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Arena's General Manager Profiled

Another great profile of 1st Mariner Arena's general manager, Frank Remesch in today's Baltimore Sun. Writer Chris Kaltenbach touches on the arena's history and its future as well. There's great inside scoop from Remesch regarding the deal he made to get the Rolling Stones to play there in 2006. The arena made little money on the show, but Remesch knew that the concert's impact would help the arena in the long term.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rumor: NHL's Capitals To Play Preseason Game at Arena

The Capital's look to increase their presence in Baltimore by playing a preseason game here next fall. It is assumed that game would be played at the 1st Mariner Arena. picked up the story from a Nestor Aparicio's Facebook posting.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Blog Is Back!

Three months of down-time for the blog were not a big deal apparently.

The Baltimore Sun and Baltimore Business Journal reported on Towson University's announced plans for "Tiger Arena". Look for ground-breaking sometime in May.